Intent – What are we aiming to achieve through our curriculum?
- To ensure that every student has equity to access the curriculum and develop the emotional skills to manage independent learning.
- To offer a range of therapeutic and practical interventions, with a holistic approach .
- To create and develop learning spaces to support students to access all areas of the curriculum with support.
- To have an in-house referral system that ensures all students that need support have access to the right provision, and that the assess, plan, do, review cycle continually reflects the support needed.
- To ensure support and practice fosters good relationships with Parents/Carers.
- To include opportunities for students to have a voice and input into their plans, along with the class teacher and parents, providing a coordinated and cohesive approach.
- To track progress termly, in line with school expectations, sharing with families and using it to inform future plans.
- To keep clear and concise records including updates of the Individual Learning Plans and Support Plans.
Implementation – How are we delivering our curriculum?
Students arrive at Interventions with a detailed description of needs and a plan is drawn up in conjunction with the student’s class teacher, Head of Year and parents. This may include access to one or more of the following…
- Pupil Listener – A listening service to support students to work through issues and find solutions, using creative ways to access support.
- Therapy sessions – Various therapies may be used including Play, Lego and Craft activities, as both standalone activities and activities designed to help deliver speech therapy, resilience training, protective behaviours etc…
- Social Skills – Friendship groups are fostered and developed through the modelling of social skills, drawing upon learning around recognising the reciprocal relationships need agreed values.
- Sensory room – We have lots of exciting equipment to use to support students sensory needs in a purposely designed space.
- Interventions classrooms – We have two large and one smaller classroom that are set up to encourage both practical and traditional learning in a supported environment. We encourage small group work across year groups to help build positive relationships.
- In Class Support – Our dedicated staff will support in a classroom setting to encourage reintegration back into their year group alongside their peers.
- Remote Learning – Using google classroom to reach students that find it difficult to access the school building for a period of time.
- Bespoke Alternative learning provisions – Where a student’s needs have become a barrier to their learning and they have difficulty accessing the school/class environment, opportunities are sourced through funding and the wider community to provide an alternative learning environment.
Visiting professionals also regularly attend the suite, supporting individuals and their families to meet their EHCP targets. These can include:
- Doctors
- Occupational Therapists
- Family Support Therapists
- Social workers
- Nursing Team
- Speech and Language Therapists
The Interventions Suite offers a graduated approach which draws on very detailed interventions and support approaches, combined with specialist expertise in successive cycles of assessment, planning, intervention and review. This approach is used to ensure that the interventions match the needs and that if an approach is not enabling progress, an alternative approach can be adopted.
Impact – What difference is the curriculum making to our students?
- Students have access to a quieter, calm, safe and exciting environment, with opportunities to make learning an enjoyable and memorable experience.
- Students are supported through activities that build confidence and self-esteem, promoting a willingness to try new learning experiences and gain independence.
- Students are supported to recognise and develop strategies to regulate their emotions and keep themselves safe, enabling them to gain independence and essential life skills.
- Students are prepared for accessing pathways in the next steps of their education.
- Students are encouraged to develop their understanding, think outside the box and explore new learning, in an environment where they feel supported and encouraged to reach their potential.
- Opportunities to build transferable skills into the learning are promoted, enabling students to become valued members of their community and recognise their worth.
- Students are supported to meet or exceed their expected targets, showing growth in their personal development and progress across the curriculum.