Intent – What are we aiming to achieve through our curriculum?
To provide an outstanding education, which is personalised to the learning needs of students.
To ensure a varied and well balanced curriculum is adapted each half term through our Year 7 themes:
All about Me – focussing on the transition between Primary and Secondary school, allowing students and staff to build a good rapport.
Adventurers and Explorers – Focussing on different habitats around the world and their ecosystems. We learn about famous explorers and their adventures.
Titanic – focussing on the journey of the Titanic and life on board the ship. We look at the unjust treatment of those in third class.
Farm to Fork – focussing on developing an awareness of where our food comes from, learning about plants and animals and preparing healthy meals.
London – focussing on knowing that London is our capital city and learning about its heritage and landmarks.
Victorians – focussing on knowing who Queen Victoria was, comparing aspects of Victorian life and understanding how life now is different to life then.
To provide a calm, engaging, learning focused environment, which is safe, caring and nurturing.
To increase resilience and independence and develop students’ ability to self-regulate.
To develop students’ essential life skills, developing their knowledge and the ‘cultural capital’ they need to succeed in life.
To promote physical and emotional well-being.
To prepare students during transition from their primary school for the next stage of their journey in education.
Implementation – How are we delivering our curriculum?
Students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to meet students’ learning needs.
The Zones of Regulation are used to support students to regulate behaviour.
Individual targets are set annually in EHCP meetings. Opportunities are made in class to address these targets.
A range of resources are used to allow students to access their learning.
Teaching and learning through topics builds on knowledge and experiences allowing students to generalise and draw links more easily between subjects.
To provide rich and varied cultural capital opportunities aligned to our themes, this may include trips, visitors, online experiences and theme days within school.
To build on previous learning acquired during their time in primary school.
To track progress termly to be able to share progress with families and use to support our students.
To enable home learning each half term aligned to each theme.
Regular use of Class Dojo to promote sharing learning regularly with families and promoting student achievement.
Impact – What difference is the curriculum making to our students?
Lack of confidence can often be a barrier to learning, and one that we aim to overcome in Year 7 by ensuring students believe that they can succeed.
The Zones of Regulation are used in Year 7 to help develop students’ ability to self-regulate.
The use of a points based (money) system is used to reward students who demonstrate they are ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ in each lesson.
To provide a safe and exciting environment to make learning enjoyable and memorable.
To enable students to have a successful transition from primary to secondary provision.