Intent – What are we aiming to achieve through our curriculum?
To provide students with an engaging and outstanding curriculum through year 9’s themes.
World War Two – focussing on the lives of those in the past, how the lives of others were impacted by the war and what lessons can be learnt from the war effort.
Forces and Light – focussing on world religions and develop empathy and understanding of others in the world around us.
Amazon – focussing on learning about the wider world. Being able to identify how the world beyond our local area is used and the lives of people in the Amazon and Brazil.
Heroes and Villains – focussing on the struggles of minority groups throughout history. Building an understanding and tolerance of others.
Japan – focussing on how the culture in Japan differs from our own. Learning about locations of countries around the world and our links to them.
Sports and leisure – focussing on worldwide sporting events and the dedication that is needed to achieve.
To ensure that all students have access to learning which is adapted to their needs.
To provide a curriculum which is enriched with a range of trips, visits and experiences.
To provide all learners with a safe, caring and engaging learning environment which best suits their needs.
To help pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and in adulthood.
To support and enable pupils to develop an understanding of themselves, their sense of self and to build confidence and self-esteem.
To support and develop skills in social communication in order to communicate effectively and build positive relationships.
To prepare pupils for the transition to key stage four.
Implementation – How are we delivering our curriculum?
Design a curriculum which is challenging, but appropriate to each pupil’s stage of development.
Adapt all learning to each student’s needs to enable them to succeed.
Use the thematic approach to enable students to make purposeful links between their learning in different subjects.
Track progress in learning termly and share information on this with families.
Regularly review and reflect on the themes to ensure that the curriculum content is current and relevant to our learners.
Use a range of resources, such as IT equipment and Widgets, to allow children to access their learning.
Building on literacy and numeracy skills.
Preparing key skills needed to access key stage 4 qualifications.
Regular contact with home via Class Dojo, email and telephone communication.
Impact – What difference is the curriculum making to our students?
Pupils will engage in personalised purposeful learning which enables them to build confidence and resilience along their learning journey.
Pupils feel safe and ready to take learning risks within the nurturing learning environment.
Pupils access subject matter which is interesting and engaging to them whilst allowing them to develop their personal, social and academic skills.
Pupils have targeted learning to ensure that they reach or exceed expected progress in all subjects.
Pupils build their independence and personal responsibility by demonstrating they are ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’ in each lesson and engaging with the points reward system.
Pupils are well prepared to access the next stage in their education.