This is the beginning of the KS4 journey and formalising of the children’s learning, as well as the opportunity to develop their life-long independence.
Pupils will follow a Core Curriculum that exists of English, Maths, Science and PE. Students take more ownership of their learning by choosing from a range of options that include Design and Technology, Food Technology, I.C.T, Expressive Arts, Health and Social Care or Art and Textiles.
To equip pupils for the future pupils are offered the opportunity to experience real life scenarios of the world of work through engaging in our Enterprise and Learning for Life curriculum.
For more information on individual Subjects please click here to see the Our Work Page.
KS4 – Home-learning
At The Valley School, we are all learning all of the time. Home-learning is our way of valuing and encouraging our students’ learning when they are at home.
In KS4 pupils have the opportunity to complete one challenge per Core Subject a week that will be tailored to her/his ability. This is set by the teachers of Maths, English and Science and recorded in this booklet.
In addition, pupils can complete many different challenges and tasks listed in the KS 4 Additional Home-learning Challenges sheet. Feel free to change the tasks and add your own as you go. This booklet and the additional sheets should be brought into school every day.
Chris Jones
Head of Year 10 & 11
Callum Russell
Head of Year 10 & 11 / Head of PE
Sarah Pomeroy
Tutor / Head of Literacy
Erin Borrie
Shaunaid Crosby
Paul Holop
Kirsty Duffy
Salam Choudhury
Subject Lead IT
Piotr Puszko
Year 10 Learning Partnerr
Martina Barber
Year 10 Learning Partner
Kaylis Doyle
Year 10 Learning Partner
Debbie Jones
Year 10 Learning Partner
Courtney Hedger
Year 10 Learning Partner